This morning, the Flagler County Board of Commissioners held their 9am meeting where resolutions, proclamations and presentations were made. The Board declared through proclamation that September would be Childhood Cancer Awareness month, and Live Like Cameron was in attendance to represent the children of Flagler County who are battling cancer. September was also recognized as National Recovery month, and Flagler OARS was in attendance to represent those who have beaten their addictions as well as those still fighting them in Flagler County. The board also recognized August as Black Business month, as a way to celebrate the successes of black business owners in our community.

Flagler OARS then made a presentation to the board regarding what their non profit organization does throughout the community. The board then heard about the Hammock Dunes Parkway / Camino Del Mar improvement project. The maintenance of the road ways in Hammock Dunes is paid for by the tolls on the bridge. The community is currently looking at integrating with Sun Pass.

The Board also heard an update on tourism regarding the Eco-Discovery Center. This center would provide information regarding our area and our ecosystem. It will be located on SR-100 adjacent to the Bulow Creek Headwaters Regional Park.

The floor was then opened up for public comment. A representative from the African American Cultural Center came forward to talk about upcoming exhibits that will be at the museum in the future.

The board then discussed the consent agenda and voted to approve it with the exception of one item. The item was in regards to connecting some of the roads in an area of the County. The suggestion was to open up Solee Rd to 1st Street. Commissioner Dance stated that he had many residents in that area who opposed this improvement. Dance stated that he was wary of spending more money on a project that the residents did not want.

The floor was opened for public comment on the issue of the road. One resident stated she was fine with the traffic of the new development, but her issue is with the speeders that fly up and down the road. Another resident stated she was concerned about emergency getting in to the development with only one entrance/exit. Another resident stated that she said they are doing fine as is, and they don’t need another access point. The board voted to not pursue the project on Solee Rd.

The board then moved on to codify a fire ban on the beaches during the turtle nesting season. Public comment was opened up and the Sea Turtle nesting patrol came up to comment their gratitude for the County Board for the codifying of this order. The board voted, and the motion passed unanimously.

The next subject that was brought up was floating vendors on the waterways. The county attorney stated that this would be an ordinance prohibiting floating merchants from anchoring in or on our waterways to sell food, drinks, and other merchandise. This ordinance would not affect house boats or bait running boats, but only merchants who would need to anchor to a location. The board passed the motion unanimously.

The board then heard a ordinance on penalties for breaking and removing coquina rocks. This ordinance only dealt with the penalties for the destruction and removal of coquina. The penalties can include citations, as well as allowing for the county to seek restoration for offenses. Residents spoke about beach goers picking up the small coquina rocks, and how while the small coquina rocks may not substantial, when you have beach goers picking up wagons worth, it adds up. The board passed the motion unanimously.

The meeting finished with condolences to the Dean family over their recent loss.