A rare sighting occurred today at Varn Park in Flagler Beach; a rare and critically endangered Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle was spotted coming ashore at 12:51pm to lay eggs on the beach. Beach goers crowded around at a safe distance to witness the once in a lifetime event. These rare and endangered turtles are not typically found in this area. Flagler Turtle Patrol was able to identify the turtle through photos taken by Alicia Conley Stagner, who was able to contact the FWC and Flagler Turtle Patrol to make sure the nest was documented and marked.
Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles are the smallest and most critically endangered sea turtles; with adults only reaching a length of 2ft, and weighing between 70-100lbs. Kemps Ridley Sea Turtles are typically found in the Gulf of Mexico, and the North Eastern Parts of the Atlantic Ocean even as far north as Nova Scotia.
This particular Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle came ashore at 12:51pm, and made her nest just north of one of the dune walkovers at Varn Park. She went back out to sea at 1:30. Flagler Turtle Patrol not only identified what type of turtle it most likely was from the photos, but also marked the nest to ensure its safety. Flagler Turtle Patrol also offered to send updates to Ms. Stagner, who stayed to ensure turtle patrol was able to locate and mark off the nest.