Tuesday April 16th Palm Coast – Today the Palm Coast City Council held their morning business meeting at City Hall where they voted on the increase to development fees, appointing five new members to the Residential Drainage Citizen Advisory Committee as well as approving the final plats for four new developments in Palm Coast.
During the early part of the meeting, the council unanimously approved all of the five applicants to the new Residential Drainage Citizen Advisory Committee. The first meeting of this committee will be announced once it has been scheduled.
During the workshop meeting last week, the council heard a presentation from staff regarding the development fees for the City. These fees had not been previously reviewed or increased in 14 years. Council was on board with staff’s proposed 43.4% increase across the board as well as raising the rental fee from $5 a year to $35 a year. Today the council voted the increase in, in a unanimous decision.
Council also approved the changes in rezoning notices, increasing the 300 ft notice requirement to 500 ft. Also during the meeting council approved the final plat plans for the following four developments in Palm Coast: Somerset, Matanzas Cover, Colbert Landings, and Flagler Village.