The City of Palm Coast’s Traffic & Engineering division wishes to inform residents about the High-Performance Micro Surfacing project scheduled for several roadways in Palm Coast. Installation is set to begin on Monday, April 22, 2024, and will continue through Thursday, May 9, 2024.
Project Contractor, Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc., will be applying high-performance micro surfacing on the roadways. This technique involves the application of granite aggregate and polymerized asphalt emulsion, providing a protective layer for the underlying asphalt pavement, resulting in highly durable road surfaces with enhanced aesthetic appeal.
While minimal disruption is anticipated, residents can contribute to the success of this upgrade. Here are some essential tips to facilitate a smooth process:
- Expect Short Delays: Minor delays may occur during working hours. Traffic control specialists will be on-site to coordinate limited access to affected roads.
- Mindful Driving: After paving, avoid turning your vehicle wheels while stationary to prevent power steering marks. These marks are cosmetic and will fade over time. Please allow up to 6 months for the final surface to achieve uniformity.
- Roadside Parking Restrictions: Ensure no vehicles, boats, trailers, etc., are parked on or near the roadway between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
- Keep Roads Clear: Refrain from placing garbage or debris on the roadway.
- Irrigation Systems: Turn off all irrigation systems starting from midnight the night before the scheduled work. Normal irrigation can resume the following day.
Daily road closures will be in effect on weekdays with operating hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., following the project schedule for application below:
- Mon., April 22 – Tue., April 23: Lamoyne Lane, Lamar Lane, and Lansing Lane
- Tue., April 23 – Wed., April 24: Langdon Lane
- Wed., April 24 – Thu., April 25: Fairhill Lane, Fairchild Lane, and Barley Lane
- Thu., April 25 – Fri., April 26: Bannbury Lane and Banner Lane
- Fri., April 26 & Mon., April 29: Woodward Lane and Woodworth Lane
- Mon., April 29 – Tue., April 30: Woodholme Lane and Woodhollow Lane
- Tue., April 30 – Wed., May 1: Rivera Lane and Ranshire Lane
- Wed., May 1 – Thu., May 2: Riviere Lane and Ranwood Lane
- Thu., May 2 – Fri., May 3: Riverina Lane and Ranch Way
- Fri., May 3 & Mon., May 6: Porpoise Lane and Porwyn Lane
- Mon., May 6 – Tue., May 7: Pillary Lane and Pilgrim Drive
- Tue., May 7 – Wed., May 8: Pleasant Lane, Plumtree Place, Plateau Place, Plateau Lane, and Pillar Lane
- Wed., May 8 & Thu., May 9: Plainview Drive
Residents will be notified with door tags on residential front doors and an email regarding these upcoming improvements. This information has been added to the Flagler County GIS road closure map. View all Countywide road closures here by selecting Flagler County Road Closures: https://data-fcmaps.opendata.
For more information, contact customer service at customer-service@palmoastgov.