They always start with the pledge, and the Star Spangle Banner, then Father Joe prayed about the heavy burden of the memory of those who would never see the world again or their children. They tried to save everyone but sadly they could not.

The Mayor of Palm Coast came to say a few words about the memory of those who died. In the year 2001,  September 11th, that day the attacks of the enemy were not only to harm the citizens but also the firefighters, police men and many more. We were traumatized by what happened.

No one will ever forget one what happened, it is the one thing no one should forget. If you harm one American you harm all of us, it’s a loss to everyone. Those people saved so many lives. We felt powerless as a nation, we would have never thought that would happen to us.

We need to know that the burning flames of the candles is a way to show that the memory continues to shine brightly in our hearts today. We are a united Palm Coast. What is the best way for us to remember those who died on that day?

A good way to remember the fallen is take a moment of silence every year. We need to think about the people they died trying to save. The 343 firefighters and 71 law enforcement officers were among the 2,996 victims of that day.