On May 27th, 2024 the City of Palm Coast held a ceremony to honor the local fallen military, in addition to the the countless other military lives lost throughout our nation’s history. The ceremony included the Community Choir of Palm Coast, Matanzas High School JR ROTC, Palm Coast Fire Department Honor Guard, Marine Corps League Detachment 876, along with other veteran organizations and Gold Star Families.


Crowds of people gathered to pay their respects to those who gave their all in the name of preserving our freedoms. The event included a presentation of wreaths, where Gold Star families were invited to place wreaths in honor of their family member’s ultimate sacrifice. Wreaths were also presented for LEOS and Firefighters who had fallen in the line of duty.
The Marine Corps League Detachment 876 was present for the Three Volley Salute, followed by SrA Lisa Cone, retired Air Force, playing Taps.

Mayor David Alfin, Master of Ceremonies, then invited those in attendance to participate in the first annual Walk of Heroes, through Heroes Memorial Park. Attendees were asked to take some time to reflect on those lost, as they walked through the trees on the memorial path.