Bob is a White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) that pinged off the coast of Palm Coast on Feb 29 2024 at 10:13 am. He weighs in at 13 ft. 4 in. 1,308 lbs.
The date he was tagged was September 20, 2021 at 12:00 am in Ironbound Island, Nova Scotia. He has traveled 4,034 miles over the last 892 days.
Bob is named after OCEARCH’s Chief Scientist Dr. Robert (Bob) Hueter who has been a pioneer in shark science for over 40 years. His research has produced over 200 published papers and he has made a profound impact on the conservation and management of sharks globally. Bob continues to help OCEARCH push science further by bringing together a team of multi-disciplinary scientists to collaborate on over 24 research projects designed to unravel the mysteries of the white shark in the North Atlantic Ocean. We’ll be following the journeys of both Bob the shark and Dr. Bob Hueter as they continue to help us grow in the world of science for the betterment of our sharks and our oceans.
To track Bob, or other sharks, visit