Monday January 22nd, 2024 – The Flagler County Board of County Commissioners held a workshop meeting. During the meeting the board heard a presentation on tax abatements, partnerships, REV grants, and other programs are available for businesses and developers to receive assistance with getting started or expanding their businesses in Flagler County.

During the presentation on tax abatements, Public-Private Partnerships, REV grants, and an Impact Fees Grant Program. This would help local businesses who are new or growing to receive some breaks on the grants. Some of the programs would affect the Ad-Valorem and General Funds accounts, while others are grant programs, which would not impact County budgets. All of these programs and grants have stringent qualifications that business must meet and continue to adhere to. The programs offered do require being passed through by resolution.

These programs were presented to the BOCC, explaining that these kind of deals will help boost the economic growth in the area.

Following the presentation, the Board was asked to decide which programs and grants they wanted staff to continue working on. Commissioner O’Brien was hesitant to go the route of the referendum, as he felt it was better suited to a case by case basis. He also was not a fan of the Public – Private partnership in most cases.

Ultimately the BOCC gave county staff consensus to continue working on Fast Track Permitting, Incentive Wage Grants, REV Grant, Impact Fees Grants, and IDA Revenue Bonds.