During the City Workshop Meeting on Tuesday December 12th, 2023, the City Council heard a presentation regarding a sports Complex feasibility study.

The Sports Facilities Companies gave a presentation of a 14 month project, with the City of Palm Coast. This project was presented as a two phase project, with the first phase being data collection, and the second phase constituting the formulation of a plan, economic impacts, etc. The goal behind this regional sports facility, is to capitalize on sports tourism, bring a sports complex that will impact the economic development in Palm Coast, improve access to local recreation spaces, and establishing a business model that will result in sustainable operations and create opportunities for the entire community.

The company is recommending a 120k + indoor facility that will take up 2.33 acres; a 20 outdoor field area, a 2,251 space parking lot, with 114 acres of green space and conservation, bring the total space up to 180 acres. This project also has space in the plan for hotels, restaurants and other businesses that would be deemed relevant for this space. Playgrounds, food truck courts, along with space for future championship courts are all included in this plan. The costs for this plan are roughly 54 million for the outdoor fields, and 35 million for the indoor courts. SFC estimated conservatively that this facility could book roughly 37 events in the first year. SFC estimated that in year one, the economic impact from people coming from out of town and staying overnight would be in the range of $30 million dollars.

Council echoed agreements that this type of complex is needed in the area. SFC said that it would likely be a 12-18 month period to connect with partners on the project, and then about a 2 year build time due to the size and number of fields; making this roughly a three year project or longer. Pontieri also asked why this project was not including an aquatic center, as there were only 5 within a four hour radius according to the presentation. SFC stated that they are very expensive build and staff, and there is not a lot of people travelling for aquatics. Pontieri asked staff and SFC to see what the build would look like with some fields for track and fields and changes to allow for Special Olympics.

City Council agreed that staff had consensus to move forward with finding funding and partners for this project in the new year.