The Palm Coast City Council held a special workshop meeting to hear a presentation on the City Attorney Services. The meeting with kicked off with public comment, many of which regarded the the new construction in existing neighborhoods leading to the flooding of existing homes.

This special meeting was called to discuss the City Attorney Services. Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta and Salzman has represented for 17 years. This special meeting was called to give staff a direction to move forward as changes are made within the firm, and will inevitably affect the City of Palm Coast’s Legal Services Agreement. One of the biggest changes moving forward is that this firm will not be able to continue to offer the current scope of service long term. Current attorney, Neysa Borkert, that is present during the meetings, is leaving the firm. The firm will continue to ensure that an attorney is present at meetings, and that the city’s legal services are fulfilled while the city determines what is in their best interest.

There are other firms in the regional area that would be capable of taking on the legal needs of this city. Current attorney, Neysa Borkert’s last day will be December 15th. The firm does not have any plans to replace Neysa. Danko voiced his opinion that this should be put out to bid to see if there is a firm out there that will fit the city’s needs. Pontieri echoed Danko’s initial response, that the city needs to put it out for bid. Heighter and Klufas both echoed the same sentiments.

City Council directed staff to move forward with proposing a request for proposal (RFP), which will be brought back up to council by 12/12/2023.