The Palm Coast City Meeting that was conducted on November 7th, 2023 at 6 pm was filled with emotion during the initial public comment period. Many stood up to speak of their issues with current infrastructure, the developments being approved, the rezoning of developments and many stood up to talk about their issues with the stormwater.
Danko commented about the stormwater as well, stating that he had seen the new builds being built much higher than existing homes, and wanted to find out why. Alfin asked Danko to work directly with stormwater regarding the homes in question.
After public comment, which lasted over an hour, the council moved on to issue proclamations. The proclamations issued were: Naming November 23rd as Veteran Appreciation Day, Naming November Lung Cancer Awareness Month, Shirley Chisholm Month, Be local Buy local day on November 26th, World Diabetes Day on November 14th, and the 1st week of November as World Communications Week.
The council then recognized the graduates of the 54th Citizens Academy. Among those who graduated were Shara Rivera, Linda, Joe, Grayson and many others.
The council needed to vote on the title of Vice Mayor and the liaison appointments. Ed Danko was voted to keep the title of vice mayor, and both Danko and Pontieri were happy to keep their current liaison appointments. Heighter asked to switch hers due to a scheduling conflict, and instead took the liaison appointment for Family Life Center. Alfin stated he would take the liaison appointment for the newly founded FC3 council.
Palm Coast Park, a development that spans from Old Kings Road to Hargrove Grade Industrial Park. This development was up for rezoning and included residential low, medium and high densities, as well as public space, flex uses, and industrial uses. The changes would also include a maximum building height from 80 feet to 50 feet. The ordinance passed unanimously.
The council heard the first read on an ordinance regarding door to door solicitation. During a previous workshop the council made a few changes, including requiring solicitors to keep their name badges visible at all times when going door to door. The motion was passed unanimously.