Flagler County officials urge residents to attend an August 31 public workshop to provide input into the future as the 2050 Comprehensive Plan Update process is just starting. This is the first major update to the plan since 2011 and is being done in conjunction with the recent adoption of the Strategic Plan.

“This an important undertaking for the future of Flagler County,” said County Administrator Heidi Petito. “We will be working with the consulting firm, Inspire Placemaking Collective, over the next 18 months. They were selected, in part, because of their high level of community involvement in the process.”

The public workshop – the first one to be offered – will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, August 31 at the Hammock Community Center, 70 MalaCompra Road. It is the first of three public workshops with the other two planned for January and June of 2024, though the exact dates and locations have yet to be announced.

A joint kickoff meeting was held July 17 with the Flagler County Board of County Commissioners, followed by stakeholder interviews. Between August and December 2023, Inspire Placemaking Collective will draft and revise the analysis of data it collects. There is also an “Idea Wall” and a short survey online at: https://www.inspire-engagement.com/flagler-county-comp-plan.

The Comprehensive Plan is the centerpiece of local planning efforts. It articulates goals, objectives, policies, actions, and standards that are intended to guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and government staff.

“Crafting the future of a growing county is not the task of a few, but the collective masterpiece of all who call it home. Public involvement in updating our Comprehensive Plan is particularly important with the population growth we are seeing, shaping a destiny that reflects our shared aspirations.” Petito said. “Our plan gains strength from the ideas and insights of our community, creating a more vibrant and inclusive tomorrow. We want to hear from you about how you envision the future of our community.”

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