This last Saturday at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach, the 7th annual Turtle Fest was held. Vendors of all kinds were in attendance, along with belly dancers for entertainment, and you guessed it, turtles!
This event is a yearly event in Flagler Beach that is held at Veterans Park, which is right across the street from the beach. This year, there were tortoises and turtles in attendance, and people were able to talk to professionals about the animals. There were vendors of all kinds in the park set up to sell wares, provide information, and sell food and snacks.
Florida State Parks was also in attendance at the festival, passing out information of all kinds about our numerous state parks. Bounce houses were set up in the park as well for the children, as well as a tortoise race! There was much to do at the park during this event for people of all ages.
The entertainment for the day was live music and belly dancing. Multiple belly dancers entertained event attendees with their rhythmic dancing and skills. At the end of their set of performances, they invited the event attendees up on the stage to dance with them. People of all ages had fun dancing with the dancers. After the belly dance performances, guests were provided entertainment by a live band. Many of the kids and adults danced to the music while enjoying the beautiful weather.
At the end of the event, there was even a turtle who had been rehabilitated and those in attendance at the event were able to witness this turtles release back into the wild.
This event is always a hit, and there is fun to be had for people of all ages. This is a great spring time event, that not only educates the public about our turtles and tortoises, but allows the public to enjoy a fun day outside right there near the beach. If you missed this years event, do not worry! They will be back next year, so mark your calendars to ensure you don’t miss the fun next year.