The City of Palm Coast is having a City Council meeting on March 7th at 6pm.
The agenda items will include:
Presenting a proclamation of Flood Awareness Week of March 6th, 2023.
A proclamation for Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month.
The Community Development department will be presenting an ordinance that establishes Colbert Landings Community Development District, which will fund the development of the residential community. This issue was heard in February of 2023, and the application for it was done in December of 2022.
The consent items that will be up for approval include:
A resolution to approve a master price aggreement with Argos USA, LLC for 4000 PSI concrete with fiber mesh
A resolution to approve funding for FDOT for the SR 100 projects that span from North Palmetto street to Old Kinds Road South.
Public comments throughout the city council meeting will be available for residents. Each speaker will be given up to 3 minutes to state their opinions.
All meetings and workshops are streamed live on the city website, and all the agendas are also available online at the city website.